Pest Control

Problems with nuisance animals? We now offer commercial pest control services to suit your needs! Utilizing our team of raptors and dog, we are able to create an environment that nuisance animals (such as gulls and geese) will avoid. We can tailor the pest control program to suit the severity of your situation, and can help you navigate the process of necessary permits required for a solution that will be as successful as possible!

Why choose our methods?

There are many methods of controlling nuisance animals, however the use of raptors is one of the most effective methods on the planet since it is entirely based on the natural order of the animal kingdom! Birds of prey are predators to a great many animals, and the regular or frequent presence of a predator alone is often enough to deter animals from setting up shop within an area. Additionally, there’s no learning curve for the problem animals, nor is it a method to which they will grow unwary: you can’t beat nature!

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